Thursday 2 May 2013


Who would be the audience for your media project?

The target audience we were aiming for were around the ages of 16-24ish and older. This is because the scenes of crime and deviance througtout our film and we tried to capture this in our opening sequence film, due to all the violence, drugs, and language in the film our film would most probably be certified as a 15. We felt that the male side of the population would appreciate our film more due to the content and storyline, however, we did not base our film around this stereotype.

Target audience is very important when making a film as you are obviously making a film for them to watch, so everything that you put into this film must be to there liking otherwise your film will not sell and you will make no profit from doing this (if you were making a budgeted film). Also, bad reviews from one film will make people not want to watch any other films that you make or plan to make in the future. To make sure your film contains everything that your target audience would like to see questionnaires and servays would be a good idea to gather public information before starting your film.

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