Thursday 25 October 2012

Camera shots, angles and movements

This lesson we looked at all the different camera angles, shots and movements. These are all the abbrieviations of them:

ECU - Extreme Close Up - This portrays emoition.
BCU - Big Close Up - Seeing face shape.
CU - Close Up - Face further away.
MCU - Medium Close Up - Head and shoulders.
MS - Medium Shot - For two people in a conversation.
MLS - Medium Long Shot - For a small number of people but capturing the environment around them
LS - Long Shot - Slightly bigger that a MLS includes more of the surroundings
ES - Establishing Shot - Captures a large area to 'establish' where the film takes place
HA - High Angle Shot - Shot from above making someone look smaller or vulnerable
LA - Low Angle Shot - Shot from below to make someone look bigger or powerful
BEV - Birds Eye View - Shot from directly above to make the audience feel 'god-like' to see all the action below
DA - Dutch Angle- Camera is on an angle to make the audience feel uncomfortable and to suggest something is not right
EL - Eye Level Shot - Camera is at eye level capturing mainly face and shoulders
RA - Reverse Angle Shot - Series of two shots showing what the person is seeing

<---- Example of a DUTCH ANGLE SHOT

Panning - Turning on a pivet, horizontally
Crabbing - Moves across (like a crab)
Tracking - Camera moves towards and away from subject
Zooming - Camera doesn't move physically, but lense is changed to move closer and further away from subject
Pedding - Camera is placed on a moving vehicle to follow action
Tilting - Fixed on a pivet, like a panning shot but scans a scene vertically


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