Thursday 13 September 2012

The Orphanage

This is the trailer for The Orphanage 

In today's lesson we watched the opening to the sequence of the film, The Orphanage, and made comments on what we could see and hear. I made comments on the character, location, genre, audio and language used.

We all established that it was a psychological horror/thriller before the film had even started as the front cover suggests that it is a horror film.

I learnt today that in the first few minutes of the opening sequence there are a lot of things that foreshadow later events, such as, at the beginning of the sequence the children are playing a game; a hand reaches out to touch the main girl (as part of the game) but could look like someone/something was trying to grab her, suggesting that maybe something bad is going to happen to that girl. Also, the last words that you hear in the opening sequence are "got you" by the little girl which also suggests something weird about her, backing up the idea about the grabbing of the hand. I also learnt that the audio to a film has a big impact on the mood and feel about different scenes/characters. Such as the old woman who was in the orphanage says the words, 'you're friends are really going to miss you', when she is on the phone, she then repeats this dialogue and the music and her voice changes when she is looking out to where the children are playing, which may also foreshadow later events.

1 comment:

  1. Jess,

    After a good start you are lettting your blog slip. The post you do have are good and they would be further improved by more insightful analysis and greater interactivity.
