Thursday 29 November 2012

Media Trip - BFI (British Film Institution)

A couple of weeks ago we went to London on a media trip to the BFI (British Film Institution). We had 3 speakers come and talk to us about their jobs and about media in general. The first was Pete the media studies examiner, who started giving us a talk about the course and our main task of creating an opening sequence, showing us videos and asking questions, so this session was quite interactive. The second talk was from a visual-effects supervisor who was recently directing a tv series based on Davinchi. He gave us an insite into his job and some useful advice, his main advice was that "planning is key". The next speaker was director of Attack The Block, Joe Cornish, who talked to us about his movie and all that is involved in creating a film. He explained how an opening sequence is one of the most important parts of film as it grabs the audience. We had a chance to ask questions at the end of their talks. The final part of the day was when Pete showed us a number of past opening sequences and we were shown what was good and what was bad. I found the day very useful as it gave me ideas and tips for when we produce our own, it also showed us what to do and what not to do.

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