Friday 29 March 2013

Filming of Our Media Project

We have filmed the main bulk of our film and have put parts of it together on the computer, we still need to film a few extra bits to fulfill our brief. However, I feel as though we are going to need to proper push ourselves with the editing to make our film work.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Skyfall Title Sequence

Thisi s the title sequence for then ewest James Bond film Skyfall. This is a very good example of an action film as it grabs the audience and gets you asking a lot of questions making you want to carry on watching.I like the idea of using random but relative items that are put together in an interesting way using a lot of high-technology and graphic design skills.

As we obviously don't have enough money to pull of something this detailed we could use the idea of random objects to put together parts of the film that leave the audience with questions, therefore will hopefully will want to watch more of our film.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Costume Ideas

The idea we had was an all black costume, that represented a 'bad guy/hitman' type character, also had the idea of suits like the James Bond films. We felt that this would help keep with the conventions our action fim.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Semiotics - The Study of Symbols

DENOTATION: what the audience sees e.g. a cross
CONNOTAION: what something symbolises e.g. symbolises religion, belief, jesus etc.

For example in this picture you can see a few young adults at a party (denotation). This then connotes that they could be troubled youths, on drugs that have a party lifestyle, which then can coincide with crime and deviance this links with the media representation of AGE and the sterotypes that come with this representation.